Toys vs Imagination
The following twaddle comes as a result from an incident I witnessed last week, which in itself, deserves a separate mention. After I came home, I had these thoughts...
It concerns something we hopefully all have, and what's really our own personal, best toy. Our imagination.
This is our own plaything, and we're each able to play with it, use it or apply it.
It's really a very simple tool that we have, but one which we can learn to use well enough to appease or totally disturb our emotions.
Here though, I'm only concerned with it as a 'toy'.
Ranging from very simple to extremely complicated, actual toys have been with us for a long, long time. They're given to small babies as a way of prompting first signs of interest and play. Designs include much forethought of materials, as even very young babies learn to use toys as a relief for tender gums.
And from then on, we're showered with an assortment of playthings, many bearing information as to what age a child should be before being introduced to them.
They're consistently given to offspring as an aid to development and with growth, the toys become more complex, faddish and expensive.
With poorer social times in developed countries, families easily adapted to the 'make-do' necessity for entertaining children. Items such as a wooden clothes peg became a much loved little doll, with imagination and added cloth for clothing, and a face drawn onto it.
Someone had used their imagination and designed these pegs. Children applied their imagination, and the pegs became toys.
Toy shops are places of wonder and bright colours, but all items are just toys, it's you who creates the fun. All toys are the results of of someone's imagination, put into production and manufactured en masse. But until you further their imagination, their vision stops there -- nicely packaged and giving no fun to anyone. They maintain the possibility of alleviating your finances, should you make a purchase and take a chance on seeing how much that item pleases your child.
By applying our imagination to a toy - or anything - we're able to perceive acquired results, ranging from fun to horror. We can manipulate the intention of something, accept or reject it to please ourselves
As long as we have imagination, we need no rules for our fun -- safety cautions and morals aside.
And those of us with really big imaginations, need no toys at all.